A Mystery...
Last month the memebers of An Affair With Art, a great group I belong to, made 4X4s to the theme of "Under Lock and Key". More than 30 of us participated, and all 4X4s were collected and bound into a marvelous fat book of art treasures. One of the members, Dee, posed a clever mystery. She told us that on one, and only one of the 4X4s she made, there would be a lock, a key, and a mystery to unravel. Well, I'm the member who received the lock and key page! My instructions were to email Dee, and she would mail the package that unlocked the mystery.
What did the key open when the lock was turned?
The box was huge, and in it was a beautifully crafted house. The roof opens to reveal packages within. The first package has a note: "Open me first". Inside is a gorgeous tiny fairy box with a key inside. Package after package follow, one after the other, all wrapped in pretty pink tissue paper. The experience alone was worth a thousand birthdays, and the delights inside the packages....well, see for yourself!