...For Mixed Media Monday and Sunday Postcard Art...
Say "I Do"...
For some reason, wedding-themed artwork seems to be all over the web right now. Everywhere I look I see examples. So not to be outdone, I've crafted my own 4X6 postcard using images from Ten Two Studios "white wedding", "faux postage-white", and "white things" collage sheets. The neutral images in these sheets coordinate perfectly with the the blues and the browns I've used, and would go well with any set of colors, for that matter. I'm sure this will end up as a journal page before it's life cycle is finished.
Blog Challenge/Candy...
In case you hadn't heard, the BasicGrey Challenges team is back, and to launch their new round of bi-weekly challenges they're sponsoring an incredible give-away! Get on over there before 10PM UK time on August 21st, which gives you a generous amount of time since this is only the 3rd, and sign-up for the draw. Then be sure to join in on the challenges once they begin!
Software Hell...
For those of you who are following my continuing saga in Photoshopland (a darker fantasy than disneyland, for sure), the update is that two weeks ago, another customer service rep at Adobe apologized and assured me that I would receive my Photoshop x-plat upgrade within a week. When once again another promised deadline passed, I spoke with yet another Adobe customer service rep who told me I'd receive an email explanation and an accurate ETA from the "highest department" within customer service within 24 to 48 hours. Of course that was days ago and I've still heard nothing. Yes, I have asked to speak with supervisors, managers and the like. I'm told there aren't any who take phone calls. Seriously. They've said that. More than once. So an attorney friend on Saturday advised me to go to the FTC since this is a federal issue, and take it from there, since I can't be the only one this is happening to.
For those of you who need to be brought up to speed, the short story is that in compliance with Adobe's rules, I destroyed my bought, paid for and registered copy of Photoshop CS3 for PC and sent-in their required letter of software destruction, in order to be eligible for an upgrade to CS4 for Macintosh. That was mid-May. I have been going-on three months--that's a quarter of a year--without the software that I need and already paid for, while the goons at Adobe shuffle me from one customer service rep to another and don't answer my inquiries in their support portal. If any of you have suggestions, email me! Please!
Other than that, life goes on. Right now I'm:
Listening to the Hair Nation channel on Sirius/XM
Bogged-down with final touches on multiple projects which need to be in the mail pronto, and
Planning to watch an episode of the Alfred Hitchcock Hour on Hulu before bed tonight
Have a great day, Everyone!