One of the art groups I belong to (An Affair With Art) has asked us if we're tea drinkers, and if so, what we prefer to drink from. Easy questions for me. I drink tea all day long! Twinings English Breakfast keeps me going, and Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf's Swedish Berries makes me calm and sleepy. Here's my cup of choice:
Last mother's day, my daughter Amy took me to Anthropologie and told me to pick out a tea cup. So many beauties to choose from, but the minute I set my eyes on this pretty orange mug, embossed, scalloped, and paint spattered, I knew it was the one for me. Orange is the color of creativity, and paint spatters, well, every artist needs a paint-spattered mug!
Here's an inside view. Pre-tea, of course. I love this! Usually when I spatter paint in my tea, I have to throw it out. I love that I can drink out of this!
Mug Shots:
In the meantime, why not join me and have a cup of tea or coffee, too? And while you're at it, why not share a pic of your favorite cup or mug? Just leave a comment in this post with a link to a pic of your favorite cup, and we'll all stop by and take a look! If you post about your favorite tea cup/coffee mug/ or other drinking recepticle of choice, please link back to this post so others will know where to share their links if they want to play along, too!
Right now I'm busy-busy-busy. Trying to finish hold-overs from 2011, and beginning some new projects in 2012. There's a lot on my plate, but at least I love everything I have to do!
My Current List Of Stuff and Stuff To Do:
Here's a partial list:
- Three books ready to bind and stitch -- I thought there were five, but I can't find the other two... Oh well. If they're around, they'll show up eventually!
- Take a Stitch Tuesday. LOVE this. If you want to know all about it, click the TAST badge on my sidebar.
- Setting up ArtiPhybers. You can go there now, but I haven't yet made a first post, and I'm slow at getting links and photo albums uploaded. Eventually -- sooner, rather than later, I hope -- it will be home for all my fiber art (including TAST), and I'll add to it regularly. You can get there from the link in my side bar.
- Journaling, of course. Three collage journals and a sketchbook/notes journal are active at the moment. There are others too, but right now I'm concentrating on these.
- Kelly Kilmer's Revel In the Moment workshop. I'm working without stopping in this one. Can't get enough of it! My friend and art partner Rita and I spent hours with this last Thursday, and will have a repeat performance next week. In the meantime, we're both collaging our little hearts out every chance we get (which is one of the reasons I'm behind on everything else...)
- An Artsits Of The Round Table workshop. Beginning tomorrow, we'll be binding 100 books in 2012.
- A printing project, which I'm defining and refining as I go. More about that as things progress...
- A crocheted throw-WISP
- Three quilt tops-WISPS
- A really gorgeous (if I may say so myself) mixed fiber illustration--more on that later...
- Painting! Lots of painting! A semi-new direction in paint and collage for me, and I'm loving every minute! It takes me back to my childhood art loves. More to come on that, also.
- Oh, and reading. LOTS! But that's not unusual. Right now the books on my nightstand are: Strange Wine by Harlan Ellison, and Nuns and Soldiers (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics) by Iris Murdoch. Neither of them new; both are favorites of mine. And this is the book I'll be working my way through as my 100 bindings in 2012 progress: Alisa Golden's Making Handmade Books: 100+ Bindings, Structures & Forms
But now I have to get busy on these things so I'll have something to photograph, and you'll have something more to see!