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March 05, 2013


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joanne thieme huffman

Defining what it is that makes your heart sing is a lifelong project and accomplishment. Good for you for helping others find it.

Rita Ackerman

Great post. Don't those ten minutes feel special?


Can I tell you how much I absolutely LOVE this post? It's exactly how I feel most days if I don't get some art SOUL work done. Thank you for posting, taking the challenge and sharing what you do!!!


What a wonderful way with words - and art - you have! Really like your page (that girl is super special) and your description of why you art journal. So true for many of us I think. Thank you.

Carol Weiler

only found this post today and it is so serendipitous. I had been wondering why my anxiety levels were so high lately when I was getting so many things done on my "to do" list. But when I read about Kelly"s challenge a light bulb went off. You have expressed so beautifully what I couldn't. For a long time I used the 15 minute rule to avoid unplesant tasks-"I can do anything for 15 minutes" but never thought to apply it to what I want to do tasks. Now I will and delight in every single minute! Thanks for your wise words!

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