Taking breaks are important things. Like taking a photo break with my tea.
I'm trying to take more pictures of some of the everyday things in my life, as well as the extraordinary. I have not formed the habit, so the hard part for me is thinking to do it. I grew up associating photos with portraits, events, and tourist attractions. Occasionally they were necessary for classwork, but I never thought of them as a means of recording the everyday things of my life.
Now I want to change that. Not for any particular reason. Not because I want to include my own photos in collage or in journals, although I probably will. In fact, I'm already working on a journal page using another version of this photo. But I do want to photograph more things more often, just for their own sake. I'm a firm believer that "just because" is a valid reason. And valid reasons are important things.
Thinking to snap a pic is so easy for lots of you. But it's foreign territory for me. Perhaps I should design a photograpy passport for myself to wear on a lanyard around my neck. As permission to enter this foreign territory. Maybe that will help me remember to frame and snap. What do you think?
love your passport idea. Sometimes these are the most interesting photos because we can relate to them.
Posted by: Rita Ackerman | March 03, 2013 at 09:56 AM
I'm taking more photos now that I keep a camera in my purse.
Posted by: joanne thieme huffman | March 03, 2013 at 11:46 AM