This is MYPL page 18. I started it on Thursday, February 7th. For some reason I was really uncomfortable and I couldn't focus. Very unusual for me. So I got myself to a stopping point and called it a day.
That night I announced that I was sick. Really sick. It was strange that I just announced that, and even more strange, it felt less like I was talking and more like I was just listening to myself talk. Surreal. But then fevers are surreal. This one lasted ten days. Ten days of fevers plus a host of other symptoms that viruses bring.
I finally went back to that page yesterday. Ten days later. When I began again, all that was on the page was background, the topsy-turvy ladies, and the hearts: two positve shapes (bottom right) and two negative shapes (top left).
Here's what the page looks like flipped upside down. I added some yellow tint to the photos, and finished it with a few pieces of collage, and lots of pen work and lettering in negative.
Valentine's Day got lost somewhere in the middle of those ten days. The hearts hold the dates.
How interesting that you were unable to finish it that day, no doubt the virus was working it's way to the grand performance.
happy to hear you are well and getting back to your usual productive self.
Posted by: Monica Smith | February 18, 2013 at 12:28 PM
Something about this page kind of freaks me out. Maybe it was your fever. I'm so glad you are feeling better.
Posted by: Rita A. | February 18, 2013 at 05:24 PM
I wonsered how you were doing. Glad you are back amongst us. Love the mirroring in those pages. Very nice that they both have the special necklace thingie. Sorry to hear that it took so long before you got better.
Posted by: Photocatseyes | February 18, 2013 at 05:32 PM
@ Cat: The necklace belongs to Penelope Tree (top), and I cut around it so that it would sit on both models and unite their photos.
Posted by: Barbara Hagerty | February 18, 2013 at 06:01 PM
I like the non-identical mirroring. The yellow tinting is very dramatic. Hope you stay well for a very long time.
Posted by: Joanne Thieme Huffman | February 19, 2013 at 03:33 AM