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February 18, 2013


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Monica Smith

How interesting that you were unable to finish it that day, no doubt the virus was working it's way to the grand performance.
happy to hear you are well and getting back to your usual productive self.

Rita A.

Something about this page kind of freaks me out. Maybe it was your fever. I'm so glad you are feeling better.


I wonsered how you were doing. Glad you are back amongst us. Love the mirroring in those pages. Very nice that they both have the special necklace thingie. Sorry to hear that it took so long before you got better.

Barbara Hagerty

@ Cat: The necklace belongs to Penelope Tree (top), and I cut around it so that it would sit on both models and unite their photos.

Joanne Thieme Huffman

I like the non-identical mirroring. The yellow tinting is very dramatic. Hope you stay well for a very long time.

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