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June 13, 2011


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Well said soul-sistah! I think that I shall (when I recover from another sleepless night), explore Natalie's workshop too!
I LOVE this page - especially the cricut word and negative (or +ve). Bravo!


what a DARLING little book, barbara! love-love it!


I have those dream, yes. Not too often though - I do dream about 'accidents' happen to my loved ones, those dreams linger all day and although I'm not supersticious, I can't help but call my son/parents the other day to hear if they are allright...

I did quite some bookbinding myself, and I like your pocketbook! Off to check out the link!

Barbara Rossman

GREAT stuff Barbara.

Nancy B

It's so cool! I love the cut of the word Vacant and your use of the color aquamarine!

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