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June 22, 2011


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LOVE your page, the bright orange is right up my alley at the moment... I guess I feel the inspiration too! And thanks for the recepi... my son went to the USA last Summer, and was excited about lemonade... they don't make it here in the Netherlands... The forecast predicts over 30 degrees (90 fahrenheit) next week, I might surprise him with 'real American homemade lemonade')!!

Joanne Thime Huffman

Sounds delicious. I just got home from a two day drive from Florida and I sure could have used some lemonade! I'm going to make this up after I go to the grocery store (gone two weeks=big trip to the grocery store).

Nancy B

Love all the layers in your Mango Tango art! It really makes it so much more interesting and the recipe sounds yummy!

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