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January 14, 2011


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It really IS outstanding Barbara!! I can see why you were blown away - and Carol is such a lovely person too! Bravo, you! xo

Laura ~ Layers of Color

Definitely worth taking the time to view her work. Wonderful new idea! Love how she expresses her ideas! Very enjoyable and inspiring! Thank you, Barbara. Love her work!


Barbara, thank you for sharing Carol's piece with us. It's gorgeous!!! What an inspiration. I'm off to check out her Dotee's too! Hugs, Terri xoxo


Beautiful! Thanks for sharing this.
I also love your comment on Dispatch from LA, about the train. I'm going to look that one up. It sound like something I would love!
Deborah D


I am always excited to see what folks do with the coloring pages. Col's is truely inventive! I've done reverse applique once or twice - you really have to think it through - she's done an amazing job!

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