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July 22, 2010


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Lay Hoon

Beautiful book !!
I'm same class with you too :)


oh, barbara! what a lovely book! and those folded pages are fabulous!

i am more than ever convinced that we are twins. i have been lately pondering a book with just that arrangement of papers on the inside. and wha-la! you've made one! ;}

" The final product always arises out of the conflict of what to keep and what to discard of each piece of gleaned information." a profound truism. i love your way with words...

excellent post, as always!


Absolutly amazing book.
Hugs Anja


What a fabulous book - I am a total beginner and would one day love to achieve what you have here - just joined the course you are on - it's awesome.


Awesome book - so very Barbara!! Thank you for the nudges to take a Kelly class... My experiences and blogging about the fun I'm having has already inspired Lottie to join in (as you saw!!). Now, she's someone I'd never have come into contact with had it not been for my prolific bloggery! Who knew?
I love your cover - beautiful tones and I also have a plastic doily... I am truly finding much enjoyment in play - all I have time for really!!
Now to cook after a hard day on my feet! xoxoxo


This is going to look absolutely fabulous hunni! Can't wait to see what happens when you're working it... assuming you'll post some pages, of course!

I hope all is well in your uber-artsy family life and that the kids are sorted for the coming season, career-wise? Mine is yet again moving schools, in an effort to complete her basic education. Then we are on the move again around May/June next year. I have had enough of rural life and long for a bit of culture, other than the biological varieties!! *grins*

I feel sure you get that! xoxoxo

Susie LaFond

Awesome journal and design!!!!

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