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January 10, 2010


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Spot on! I don't get time to be bored... why are they bored? You should also point out to these less fortunate mortals (I was tempted to type 'morsels'!!), that life is a one-off, unique chance - NOT a practice run! I love that you have so many books to work in - and I love that we are friends and I always learn so much from you - sometimes about you too!!
Right, as it's snowing here today, I'm off to check out those links... a toute a l'heure, cherie! 'o)


I loved this. Non-creative minds just don't get it and they never will. Only boring people are BORING. We don't need other people or things to entertain us. Oh what lovely thing and thoughts happen with small pockets of time. I can only imagine...

Terri @ Pringle Hill

Loved, Loved, LOVED this post! Reminds me of when my kids were in high school. Before they drove, half of my life was spent in the car. If I had to do it again, I'd do it the same way. I loved being with them and their friends. I knew where they were, and I knew who their friends were too. It was a precious slice of time that I look back on fondly. Hugs, Terri


This is gorgeous, Barbara. I enjoyed reading your post.

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