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January 13, 2010


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Barbara, this is why I love you!

Amen, sister friend!


Beautiful work and what a great post!

Terri @ Pringle Hill

Great post, Barbara! From personal experience, I've found that I always seem to receive so much more than what I give. Hugs, Terri


wow Barbara, your work is gorgeous!!! great job!


Wonderful, Barbara, not only the art piece you've made, but also what you've written.


Your work is really wonderful.
Love this!!!

Lori Saul

Brilliant post - so enjoy your thoughtful writing and amazing art. Feeling inspired by your sharing!


Barbara, I always enjoying visiting your blog and seeing your ART...love to read your posts too! Diann


Amen... Had I thought about it, 'tis exactly what I would've said myself! I love that you can logically and wisely express what I am thinking. Had you not 'imparted freely of your knowledge', I'd never have started painting! So, thank you for being, simply, you! xoxoxo

Victoria Robison

Wow! I have been a high school art instructor for 20 years. It is great to hear what I have always believed that knowledge should be shared. Thanks for such an informative and inspirational post.

Nancy B

What a beautiful post! Both the illustration and the words!

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