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October 27, 2009


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interesting piece.


Fabulous colors and quite unique.

Kelly B

great piece of art! love all the elements you have added to this piece! I ALWAYS love looking at your art!


Super colours! Great piece.


ooooh, I love the title...she's very artsy!

Dani Rogall

wow, it looks fantastic!

Terri @ Pringle Hill

Fabulous post! I'd have been frightened out of my whits, but good for you that you summoned the courage to face her again! You're a wonderful story teller!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo


Wonderful creation!


Barbara your art is fantastic. Your story-telling ability is phenomenal. I was sitting on the edge of my seat to see how it ended. I am so impressed with your father's wise comment. Thanks for sharing this scary, yet brave episode in your life.




Barbara the Lionheart I shall call you from now on! fascinating! Now, I also never know what to expect when I come visit you either!! But, as you say, it's always something fabulous and this one's no exception. I really fell in love with that background when i enlarged your photo - absolutely resonates with me!
Hugs xoxoxo

Nancy Maxwell James

this is stunning! so many beautiful details and an amazing collage!

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