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October 03, 2008


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Kelly B

beautiful collage


Barbara, your journaling is a hoot! When I got to the part of fire ants as big as tractors, I had to stop and read it to my DH. I don't think I'll ever make it to Africa and it's a good thing, because I react to bug bites badly, not allergic, but the bites have trouble getting well. Anyway, I did love your collage. You manaaged to fit a lot of good stuff in there and it looks great.

~*~ Patty

Love everything about this piece Barbara, the flowers certainly showcase the time and theme, great details as always! I used to own a green VW bus, back in the day :)


what a fabulous collage!!!


Wow wow wow this is wonderful.
Fantastic work.


what a great card!

Linda Elbourne

A really stunning piece


This is absolutely awesome hun well done brilliant work xxxxx


I had the pleasure of seeing a real vintage LHD vintage VW Campervan the other day at the garage! Lovely old buses, aren't they? We even have a 2 day event dedicated to them here (well in Cornwall), every year!!
But I digress - I love the colourful contrast between your b/w photo and the beautiful paper flowers. Stunning work as usual.
Now I'm off to look at Michael's site, because funnily enough, I adore vintage cars and Cadillacs and Corvettes are among my faves for classic looks... nearly forgot, I used to love the curvaceous T-Bird too! xoxoxo


Such a marvelous collection of images and love how you ahve put them together.

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