Today is the official birth of ArtiPhacts, although it's been in the works for a few months now. Those of you who visit my blog ArtiphyTheHeart know what a burst of colors I often work with. ArtiPhacts, what my daughter likes to call my "black and white blog", is a respite from color. Although, as time goes on, you will find photo albums with color pics of my not-made-for-challenges artwork, and pages of tutorials, reviews, and information on the arts in general, complete with color when color is called for. In a nutshell, while ArtiphyTheHeart will remain the home for the artwork I create, ArtiPhacts will become home to short posts with links to pages of longer personal musings and items of general, usually artistic, interest.
So without further ado, crack open a bottle of champagne, sparkling water, or whatever you celebrate with, get some noise makers, cut yourself a slice of cake, put on a party hat and sing happy birthday to ArtiPhacts! And if you're up for it, under "pages" on the sidebar, click on "Playing With Tone in Photshop CS3" for a tutorial on how to turn a regular image--yes, you may start with something in color--into a series of tone like this one of my daughter, Amy. You'll want to click to enlarge it for the full effect of the dot pattern.
Cross-training As Part Of An Artistic Foundation. . .
It's pretty widely understood that athletes can increase their performance by training in multiple disciplines. Performance in football, baseball, tennis, and other sports which require quick, agile, responses are greatly improved by jogging, long-distance running, and exercises to designed to increase flexibility. We don't think twice about the benefits that cross-training brings to sports, but it is equally valuable to the arts. If you are interested in my thoughts on this topic, click HERE to continue reading...
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